If you cannot see a listing for the game you are want to watch, it may be 1. because the game or all details of the game have not yet been confirmed by the broadcaster or 2. are not available to view on our service in your territory. 

Games will only be listed on our service once all details are confirmed by the broadcaster and visible in territories in which they can be accessed on our service. For instance, games broadcast by RTÉ and TG4 cannot be viewed on our service by users based on the island of Ireland (NI & ROI) due to rights restrictions in place in the territory, as such those games will not appear under the game listings to users turning in who are based in those regions. 

Alternatively, it might be 3. because the game in question is not being carried on our service.

Or 4. you may be looking in the wrong place for the game you wish to watch. If you are looking for an upcoming or live game see the 'live and upcoming' tab on the MATCHES page. If you are looking for a game that has already taken place, click on the 'Catch Up' tab