In order to stream GAAGO on your device, you will need a strong, stable internet connection with a minimum of 5MB to stream at the lowest bitrate of 240p (a mobile 3G, 4G, 5G, LTE, etc. internet service will probably be too weak or too variable to give a good service) and a ping of less than 100m/s. The higher your download speeds, the better the quality your streaming video will be. You should achieve HD quality (720p) at 8MB.

Your device should be running Windows 10 / iOS 15 / Android OS 13 or above in order to stream content.

If streaming via our website, you should be using a compatible web browser, we recommend using Google Chrome to ensure the best streaming experience. Please note, we do not support Internet Explorer, Edge is outdated and Safari can cause users issues so we advice against using any of those browsers.

You can also access our service via our mobile app (available to download on Android and iOS) depending on your mobile make, model and OS version. For more information see:

